
Million Loves

"I've fallen in love
A million times.

But I've fallen out
A million and one."

Two Full Time

I live my life on company time.
Sold my soul for the company dime.
All work now, no play?
What would dear Jack say?


Say what you want,
Do what you dare.
I knew that you'd never
"Always be there."


New Shoes

Sometimes a new pair of shoes 
Is only a new pair of shoes. 
Sometimes it's a new horizon 
And a reason to keep on walking.


Staring Back

March 18, 2017
6:58am - at the end of a long graveyard shift.

Every week is the same.
Every single week is the same.
Five days a week I hate my name.

I hate my life and
What I've become.
I can't stand the mirror anymore. There's no life left
Behind those eyes that once
Saw beauty in all things.

There's only fear, hunger and pain.
I'm living a hollow version
Of what most people would call

I'm spiraling out of control,
Darker and deeper
With every turn,
Every loss,
Every failure.

I'm not who I once was.
I'm cold
I'm tired
I'm hungry
I'm empty
It seems the only thing I'm not....
Is me.



I'm considering taking on a second job 
As a pan handler. 
The hours work well 
With my primary job,
And from what I understand, 
The pay is a lot better 
Than what I'm currently making
While working my tail end off. 
Most pan handlers I see 
Are more overweight than I am. 
I may have to gain a few lbs.


Do you ever get tired of 
People working so hard 
To kiss your backside 
That they end up with sore knees 
And chapped lips? 

It seems to me 
An awful lot of people
Work exceptionally hard
For long hours specifically to 
Hide shit from you.


Just woke up from a horrible dream.
I had been kidnapped once more, 
Only this time I was a young child 
In a forced labor camp
Out in the desert. 
 When finally I had 
Hoarded away enough clothing 
And a pair of shoes 
For a run through the desert, 
I took off on foot. 
The first house I came to
Parents were bathing their 
One armed piano prodigy 
Child in dirt. 
They offered me a place to hide
In a cellar with canned peaches
And walls of dirt and stone.    

When the alarm went off 
I was terrified.
I didn't know which way to run. 
Nowhere was safe.
Nowhere IS safe. 


Life is a mysterious ride, 
Live it to the fullest 
Enjoy every moment. 
You may get turned 
Upside down 
Once in a while, 
But it's better than 
Having the ride end suddenly, 
Or to pitch your body from the car 
To land in a bloody heap below.


March 2010
(This was written about the man who would later betray my trust and force me into sexual slavery.)

The old feelings are really there. 
They're back in full force and growing stronger. 
I didn't think that was possible, 
But there they are. 
It's like the 6 years didn't even pass. 

Fighting for Life

If you're not willing to fight for your life, 
It only means
You have nothing and no one in your life 
You believe 
Might ever be worth fighting for.
You might
Want to change a few things. 

Not Satisfied

I'm no longer ok with not having enough to get by.
I'm not ok with not being able to buy the food I need, 
like chicken, turkey, or fresh fruits and vegetables. 
I'm dissatisfied with my inability to provide a decent living for myself. 
So as I take a massive chomp out of this apple, 
I'm laying down some ground rules. 
It's time to start fixing things. 
Not that I haven't been trying for months already, 
But "trying" is no longer good enough.


I Wonder

I wonder...
Is it worth it at all?
How can I keep going on like this?
Why should I bother?
WHY do I hurt so much,
And only hurt those I love?



She was my friend.
And while I would miss her
Were she to leave, 
I know I already do.
There would be no change change 
From any emotion I already suffer 
On her behalf. 
I wish her the best,
With no hard feelings, 
But I'll not let her back in
To hurt me again. 
I learned that lesson the hard way 
Far too many times. 
She's not dead to me, 
But our friendship finally is. 

Still we miss the dead for some time 
After they have been buried. 
The end of a friendship is no different. 
Maybe I've buried it,
But I doubt I'll ever not miss it 
When so fondly recalled. 
After all, what is a friendship 
If not the delivery of a new life 
Onto our paths to delight our senses -
No matter how brief or sustained? 
And what is death 
If not those who remain among the living 
Spending their time grieving the loss 
Of that delightful, sparkling joy
Brought all too briefly 
Into our lives? 
She was the miracle I needed, 
Delivered at the right time,
And ripped away 
When I had grown almost accustomed 
To having her there. 
She will remain that miracle, 
If in memory alone. 
But her friendship is 
Yet another casualty of my life. 
All attempts made to the contrary 
Have failed.
My friend is gone,
Just as though 
The shroud of death 
Had taken her away.



I learned something today.
Ego maniacs can come up with
The most inventive ways
To waste time.

Cancerous People

Cutting people out of our lives
For indiscretions
Or hurtful actions
Is like cutting off your arm
Because it has an incurable cancer.
You know you're going to miss them,
And for a while it will be an inconvenience,
But in the end life goes on.
We do what we must.


Not Hot

Most women don't find
To be a compliment. 
Perhaps some of the younger girls do,
Those with bruised egos
Low self-esteem,
Reliant on strangers compliments
For their own opinions.
But women and ladies
Do not. 
I gave you an opportunity
To correct your mistake
And tried to do it with humor. 

I am neither a spice 
Nor a temperature reading.


Lunchtime Vacation

Sometimes on my lunch break
I'll go to Google Earth and
Click on "random"
Only to find myself near tears
Over yet another place
I'll never get to visit.
I've always wanted to go to Maui.
Today my eyes sting with tears
Over the inability to explore
As I've always wanted to do.
Today my Lunchtime travels
Took me to:
The Sunshine Coast
the Ajanta Caves
and Havelock Island.
All places
That I will likely
Never get to see.