
Catty Girl

I knew a "catty" little girl
When I was growing up.
Nothing could make her happy.

If she found that she
Was jealous at all
Suddenly she got really catty.

She was a beast,
A true monster
If jealous of anyone at all.

She pretended to be
My very best friend
But tried to make me feel small.

She put me down
And called me names
Until I was in tears

But now when she tries
I sit back and laugh -
Still the same after all these years.

Grow up Little Girl,
Pathetic and small.
You'll never be better than me.

Keep on trying.
Just - keep it up!
Show us how pathetic you can be.

You're full of lies.
You hate the world.
I'm sorry you can't be happy.

I just hope
Your cute little kids
Don't grow up to be so CATTY!!

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